Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Fun

Today, after church, I'm eating at Sushi Tei...

after that, i go to pick ko ivan flower up and meet regi, andi, and ko sandy at Sour Sally.

Ko Ivan order blue rose for Lulu as a valentine gift.
Gavin and I, took the flower from nana flower, and coincidentally, gavin wearing blue t-shirt and blue shoes.

The lady in the stores ask me whether i want to put the flower on the bag, and without a second thought i said YES!!!
The Flower
If i'm not put it in a bag, people will think that we might be a gay couple in which gavin wear all blue and give me the blue rose.. hahahahha..

after that, i go to Sour Sally and meet them, and there are a few more people there, and there are one people who get my attention most...
i don't know what it is, but surely i feel something ;)
well, we are planning to have valentine dinner on this thursday, and hopefully i can meet her and chit chat with her more..


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