Saturday, December 3, 2011

Testimony to koko n cici

Dear Ko Hen n Ci Yuke...

WOW!!!! Finallyyyy... :) after the long wait, now it's the time

Your big day is coming!!!

First of all i would like to say CONGRATULATION for both of you.. 

knowing you guys is one of my best ever journey in my life.. 

Ko, time flies and changes now. in the past we always playing around, and now, look at you!!! we are getting older dude.. haha.. Thx you ko for being the best brother for me!!! yah mskipun sometimes i always make you angry n annoyed, I will always remember all thing that you taught me.

Ciciiii.. even though we know each other only for a few years, its great to share with you!!! you know i always dream of having a brother and sister older than me, and guess what!! both of u are!! hahaha,,,, Thank you for being the best sister for me. your words, idea, critics always helping me.. mungkin sometimes cici annoyed ya for I'm always following you n koko around (sometimes loh ci :p hahaha), but don't be ya ci :) you and koko are the best best that i ever had!!

and finally, for koko and cici, after married, still remember me yaaa,,,, hehehe,,, for both of you, treat each other carefully.. love is not long lasting, but commitment is. there is always solution for problem. mind your anger :) bole berantem but before the sunset, ud harus baikan!!! remember the sweet memory that you guys have gone through. it will bring back the sweetness of life and love. don't ask to be understand but try to understand your partner... cici, i share you my fave verse that i reserve for my future wife (Proverbs 31:10-31) :D

lastly, allowed me to say, Happy Wedding and Congratulations Mr n Mrs Hendra Wijaya :) 

Best Regards,